State TBT Data & GPX files (download)
Both the GPX and Turn-By-Turn Data book files combined in a zip file.
When you purchase the combined files you will be emailed a link which when clicked will download a ZIP file to your system containing the PDF data book and the GPX file. The PDF file is formatted ready for printing if you want to print your own copy (use Landscape setting). The GPX file is a standard format that can be used with almost any GPS device or app and can also be used to make private maps with most mapping programs or websites. When updates are made you will receive an update link, ADTS members get updates forever, non-members for 1 year after purchase.
All material is copyrighted by the American Discovery Trail Society and may not be reproduced physically or publicly displayed online without the express written permission of the Society.
If you are not a member of the Society, we invite you to join as an "Explorer" ($40) "Discoverer" ($100) or Adventurer ($250). We also offer student memberships ($30).